Time Converter

Time Converter

Best Online Time Converter

Time simply refers to the occurrence of events from the past present to the future. There are many reasons why you would like to convert time, and that is why you need an essential tool like the time converter to make your work easier. With the free tool, you can get various results in second, millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond, picosecond, minute, day, week, month and year.

The web-based time converter provides accurate results and you can get up to 10 conversions in a single conversion.

Time Converter

Let’s say you want to convert 2-sec, the converter will calculate the results as follows.

Second to Second: 2

Second to Millisecond: 2000

Second to Microsecond: 2000000

Second to Nanosecond: 2000000000

Second to Picosecond: 2000000000000

Second to Minute: 0.033333333333333

Second to Hour: 0.00055555555555556

Second to Day: 2.3148148148148E-5

Second to Week: 3.3068783068783E-6

Second to Month: 7.6051410753669E-7

Second to Year: 6.3376175628058E-8

How to use Time Converter

Select the time converter from the list of unit converter tools and click it.

You will get a page with two fields. Enter the time value you want to convert in the first field and choose the unit you want to convert to in the second field.

Click the calculate button below and the tool provides up to 10 conversion results instantly.

NOTE: You can also do a sample conversion by clicking the sample button and the tool will calculate a sample conversion for you.

Click the reset button if you want to start your actual conversion.

Best Online Time Converter

Why Use Time Converter

This is an easy-to-use tool that allows you to enter your preferred time value you want to convert and choose the unit you want to convert to. The tool provides different results instantly hence saving you time. This free tool requires no software installation or registration. Besides, it is available online so you can access it at any time. Whenever you need to convert time, use this tool for accurate results.


How many conversion results does the time converter provide?

The time converter provides 10 conversion results in various units which include second, millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond, picosecond, minute, day, week, month, and year.

Is the time converter free to use?

Absolutely! This web-based tool is available for use for free. You can access it anytime you want online and achieve quick time conversion.

How do I do a time conversion with the tool?

When you open the tool, enter the time value you want to convert in the first field and select the unit you want to convert to in the second field. Click the calculate button and you will get instant results displayed in the output box.


Make good use of the time converter to get accurate and timely time conversions. The free tool provides seamless use and delivers results in seconds. Note that apart from the time converter, our website has a wide range of other essential tools like development tools, website management tools, text tools, and much more that solve all your problems. Be sure to check them all for different conversions.



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Enjoy the little things in life. For one day, you may look back and realize they were the big things. Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

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