HTML Encode

HTML Encode

Best HTML Encode Tool

Would you like to convert applicable characters to their equivalent HTML entities? You can easily do that with the HTML encode tool. HTML refers to Hypertext Markup Language for documents displayed on a web browser. Through HTML encoding, you can convert documents with special characters to the standard form so that browsers can pass the information correctly.

This special tool converts ASCII characters to their corresponding HTML entities. The encoded text resembles tags where every tag represents a certain character. You can use this tool with just one click. Copy and paste your HTML text and click the encode button. The tool automatically encodes it in seconds. Keep reading to find out more about this tool.

How to Use HTML Encode

  • Open the HTML encode tool from the list of website management tools.
  • Copy and paste your HTML text in the input box.
  • Click the encode button.
  • The tool successfully encodes your HTML.

Why Use HTML Encode

You need to use the HTML encode tool whenever you want to try to output data. Having HTML encoding knowledge is crucial when dealing with HTML codes. HTML encoding process replaces special characters like greater than and less than with HTML entities easily recognized by a browser. For instance, you might need to use HTML encoding when displaying reserved characters like text in HTML element. Encoding such characters makes the text look correct with a web browser.

HTML Encode


What does HTML encoding mean?

HTML encoding refers to the process of encoding text such that it is well displayed on a browser as compared to being interpreted by the browser as HTML. For instance, a text string with greater than and less than sign is interpreted by a browser as HTML tag opening and closing bracket.

How do I encode text in HTML?

You can easily do that with the HTML encode tool. This is a free online tool that only requires you to copy and paste your HTML text, and click the encode button.

What is the difference between HTML encoding and decoding?

HTML encoding refers is the process of converting characters that are not accepted in HTML Encode into their corresponding character entity. On the other hand, HTML decoding refers to the process of reversing the encoding.


Use the HTML encoding tool when you want to display reserved special characters like text in HTML element. This free online tool is easily accessed by anyone and it is easy to use. Simple paste the HTML text in the provided filed and click the concede button to get results. The tool is completely free with no hidden costs, registration or subscription required. I hope you find this tool useful. If you would also like to use HTNL decode tool, you can access it free on our website and many other website management tools.



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